Schedule & Attendance


Schedule & Attendance…Classes begin in August and will conclude with the recital in May.

WE WILL BE CLOSED ON LABOR DAY. WE WILL BE OPEN FOR ALL OTHER MONDAY HOLIDAYS. All students are expected to attend class regularly and on time. Parents are reminded that any absence from class hampers the student’s progress. Since our staff must be paid on the basis of regular attendance, there is no tuition deduction for lessons missed, regardless of the reason. Absences can be made up by making arrangements through the office.

Inclement Weather: In the event of future inclement weather, we normally follow what the Dothan City Schools do. If we do close for inclement weather, it will be posted on our website, a message will be posted on our Facebook page, there will be a message on our answering machine and an email will be sent to all the customers.

DSD Schedule